Home > Thoughts > Rightplan On Blizzard – Gold Making In WoW

Rightplan On Blizzard – Gold Making In WoW


Hello RP here!

So it has been a long time since a post. Classes started back up and had to get them organized first. I will not be posting on the new WoW patch yet since it has not come out yet, so without further ado here is the gold post! Please remember that these strats can change server to server and are based on the economy of MY server Uldaman.

Making gold in WoW is a lot like real life. It takes dedication for max results and there is no quick fix unless you want to buy the gold or buy gold making guides (which deal a lot with what I will be writing about for free). If you’re like me and do not want to help the annoying gold famers in WoW then here are some good ways that I have used in the past and now.

First of all dailies, (I know, I know no one likes dailies) but the amount of gold you get from them in a week is substantial enough to not completely rule them out. As well if you have the time, leveling a bunch of toons to 85 just to use their professions for your gold making and gearing of your main toon will help increase your gold made and reduce the gold spent on mats/enchants. These 2 rules are obvious to a lot of people but they still help out, especially the professions with the gold making strats to be mentioned in a moment. (to help with leveling new alts read my post on lvling in WoW)

Now for what most don’t know. I am a JC/LW on my main toon “Rightplan” and here are some gold making ideas I have used for high profits. In terms of making gold with JC there is the common makes gems, cut them, then sell them… This does wield income but at a VERY slow pace. The quickest way I have got gold using ONLY JC was to make the panther mounts. I know that the orb cost 14k+ but it will work out in the end. So there are 2 ways to make the mount, If you have a miner and the time you can save costs by farming the rest of the mats needed and will be able to sell the mount for 20-25k which will be a 6-11k profit! If you take the other road and buy the mats in the AH you can still create the mount for around 19k which would still have a 1-6k profit with a lot less work. The 2 important things to remember with this method is to #1 make a panther colour that is not in the AH already to reduce competition, and #2 this is a slow sale and will wield a great profit but can take a while to sell.


With crafting heavy professions you can do similar to what I do with LW.  This one is self-explanatory, all you need to do is find what can be made for enchants/gear at the cheapest cost with the highest gain. For instance, I make armour patches that only cost 1 spirit of harmony and one magnificent hide and can be sold for 600-800g each on my server.  Farming will help out a lot with getting your spirits of harmony wielding 1.6 spirits a day, or 3 every 2 days. This means that every 2 days you can make about 1800-2400g from just this simple process. This applies to almost all professions if you know what to make that everyone needs with low mats cost. The reason they sell well is simple, People are lazy and would rather spend the 600-800g instead of taking 5 mins to make the mats on their farm.


Here is another gold tip, but is not always effective. Sometimes people just want to sell something fast or didn’t look at their minimum bid when they posted their item. If you are lucky, it is possible that you can find a cheap item that sells for more or that has a very low bid price with a low timer left “short” and you can purchase the item and resell it for the going price for a small to large profit. If you do not have it already “Auctionator” is a very good add-on for the AH and will help you post/browse the AH much faster.


Last but not least my grand gold making scheme! Now this does require an Alchy, Miner, JC and enchanter but if you do not have all these professions then maybe someone in your guild can help. Here’s how it works! #1 gather or buy ore (if cheap enough in your AH). #2 prospect the ore into gems. #3 any gem that is blue quality cut and sell in the AH, and make sure you cut the ones that are most needed and have the highest sale price. (if you have an alchy, you can also use some of these gems to create meta gems to cut and sell for a higher profit) #4 Take all the green quality gems and cut them into rings and neck pieces. #5 mail all the rings and necklaces to your enchanter to be DE’ed #6 sell all the enchanting mats after converting all the mats into the highest class mats that you can. This strat of gold making works VERY well and I have been using it since BC. It is important not to over load the AH with gems/enchanting mats or you will reduce the NEED for the items and thus lowering their price. It also helps to check the AH on a regular basis to see if you have been undercut. The “Auctionator” add-on has an option that checks all your items in the AH for you and makes it very easy to see if you’ve been undercut, and makes it quick to cancel and repost the items.

One more tip! To prospect the ore faster use this macro!

/use Prospecting
/use <ore name>

You can continue adding more ores in below the first one by adding another line of /use <ore name> . This only works for stacks of 5 or more, so if your macro isn’t working make sure you do not have any stacks in your bags below 5 ore or it will stop it from working.

Anyways, there are more tips I have which I will post later. But given my time this is all I can get in for today. I will continue to look for better ways to make gold and if anyone has any other pointers feel free to post them below in the comments!

Happy Gaming!


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