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The Rightplan on Blizzard – Patch 5.3 WoW

June 14, 2013 3 comments


Hey RP here!

So I have been meaning to do this post for a bit but had a trip for 2 weeks and had to play “catch-up” in life events. Anyways without further delay, here is 5.3.

A lot hasn’t changed in 5.3 but there are a few new additions to the game. First of all, for all patch notes in more detail you can go to

General changes:

There are 2 new stages for PVP (1 arena and 1 BG) I am not a huge PVPer myself, but fellow guildies seem to be enjoying them with little complaints.

There are 4 new Scenarios for PVE. They become available to you through the LFG tab or you can follow the new quest line and have The Lore Walker show you some stories for them with additional quest turn in loots. Including an Epic when you have completed the new quest line.

Heroic Scenarios have been added! These are not overly difficult for the casual or experienced player. They allow you to have a group of 3 people do the heroic scenarios which will award you the chance to get an epic 516 iLVL item at random or gold once per day. There is also an extra quest that you can only do once which will give you an epic 516 ilvl item. I would strongly recommend you do these scenarios with either 1 tank and 2 dps OR 1 healer and 2 dps. These are doable with 3 dps; however they would obviously be more difficult and would require a lot of dmg avoiding. You can continue to do these more than once per day, but you will only get the extra valour award and epic item chance once per day. Doing a normal scenario does not affect you loot chances for a heroic scenario and vice versa, so you can do both once a day for the bonus loot.


The new quest chain will not only give you the option to get a bonus epic, but it will also continue the story line leading up to the next Raid rumoured to be released in patch 5.5. You will also have a new weekly and daily quest which will give you the ability to get valour, but there is no new reputation to grind considering most people are still working on the ones from 5.2. The Barrens will also become a new Battlefield where you have to gather materials for your quest while not getting killed in pvp.

Brawler’s guild has been updated to allow you to reach rank 10, get new quests to fight rare monsters (items drop in the world at random), have entry into the VIP lounge at rank 8, and at rank 9 you can invite another guildie or friend into the brawler’s guild.

Many class changes have been made and can be researched at the link I posted above. As well there have been a lot of pet battle changes that are too long to mention which can be read at the patch notes link.


You can now select which spec you want you loot to drop for without being in that spec. This can be done at the character portrait and will mean you can queue as a healer but still work on your dps set if you want the fast queue and still be able to improve your off spec. The bonus rolls cost to purchase the 3 coins per week has been reduced from 90 coins to 50.


Professions: not many changes except you can now use herb and mining in Pandaria at low levels for gains but with less resources harvested until you are higher skilled.

Items: The big change here is you can upgrade your items again for the cost of 250 valour per upgrade, and can be done 2 times. This means that unless you’re lucky or skilled enough to get a thunder forged or heroic item, you can still upgrade those 522 items to 530.

Well that’s a sum up or the important changes in 5.3.

Happy Gaming!


Rightplan On Blizzard – Gold Making In WoW

May 11, 2013 Leave a comment


Hello RP here!

So it has been a long time since a post. Classes started back up and had to get them organized first. I will not be posting on the new WoW patch yet since it has not come out yet, so without further ado here is the gold post! Please remember that these strats can change server to server and are based on the economy of MY server Uldaman.

Making gold in WoW is a lot like real life. It takes dedication for max results and there is no quick fix unless you want to buy the gold or buy gold making guides (which deal a lot with what I will be writing about for free). If you’re like me and do not want to help the annoying gold famers in WoW then here are some good ways that I have used in the past and now.

First of all dailies, (I know, I know no one likes dailies) but the amount of gold you get from them in a week is substantial enough to not completely rule them out. As well if you have the time, leveling a bunch of toons to 85 just to use their professions for your gold making and gearing of your main toon will help increase your gold made and reduce the gold spent on mats/enchants. These 2 rules are obvious to a lot of people but they still help out, especially the professions with the gold making strats to be mentioned in a moment. (to help with leveling new alts read my post on lvling in WoW)

Now for what most don’t know. I am a JC/LW on my main toon “Rightplan” and here are some gold making ideas I have used for high profits. In terms of making gold with JC there is the common makes gems, cut them, then sell them… This does wield income but at a VERY slow pace. The quickest way I have got gold using ONLY JC was to make the panther mounts. I know that the orb cost 14k+ but it will work out in the end. So there are 2 ways to make the mount, If you have a miner and the time you can save costs by farming the rest of the mats needed and will be able to sell the mount for 20-25k which will be a 6-11k profit! If you take the other road and buy the mats in the AH you can still create the mount for around 19k which would still have a 1-6k profit with a lot less work. The 2 important things to remember with this method is to #1 make a panther colour that is not in the AH already to reduce competition, and #2 this is a slow sale and will wield a great profit but can take a while to sell.


With crafting heavy professions you can do similar to what I do with LW.  This one is self-explanatory, all you need to do is find what can be made for enchants/gear at the cheapest cost with the highest gain. For instance, I make armour patches that only cost 1 spirit of harmony and one magnificent hide and can be sold for 600-800g each on my server.  Farming will help out a lot with getting your spirits of harmony wielding 1.6 spirits a day, or 3 every 2 days. This means that every 2 days you can make about 1800-2400g from just this simple process. This applies to almost all professions if you know what to make that everyone needs with low mats cost. The reason they sell well is simple, People are lazy and would rather spend the 600-800g instead of taking 5 mins to make the mats on their farm.


Here is another gold tip, but is not always effective. Sometimes people just want to sell something fast or didn’t look at their minimum bid when they posted their item. If you are lucky, it is possible that you can find a cheap item that sells for more or that has a very low bid price with a low timer left “short” and you can purchase the item and resell it for the going price for a small to large profit. If you do not have it already “Auctionator” is a very good add-on for the AH and will help you post/browse the AH much faster.


Last but not least my grand gold making scheme! Now this does require an Alchy, Miner, JC and enchanter but if you do not have all these professions then maybe someone in your guild can help. Here’s how it works! #1 gather or buy ore (if cheap enough in your AH). #2 prospect the ore into gems. #3 any gem that is blue quality cut and sell in the AH, and make sure you cut the ones that are most needed and have the highest sale price. (if you have an alchy, you can also use some of these gems to create meta gems to cut and sell for a higher profit) #4 Take all the green quality gems and cut them into rings and neck pieces. #5 mail all the rings and necklaces to your enchanter to be DE’ed #6 sell all the enchanting mats after converting all the mats into the highest class mats that you can. This strat of gold making works VERY well and I have been using it since BC. It is important not to over load the AH with gems/enchanting mats or you will reduce the NEED for the items and thus lowering their price. It also helps to check the AH on a regular basis to see if you have been undercut. The “Auctionator” add-on has an option that checks all your items in the AH for you and makes it very easy to see if you’ve been undercut, and makes it quick to cancel and repost the items.

One more tip! To prospect the ore faster use this macro!

/use Prospecting
/use <ore name>

You can continue adding more ores in below the first one by adding another line of /use <ore name> . This only works for stacks of 5 or more, so if your macro isn’t working make sure you do not have any stacks in your bags below 5 ore or it will stop it from working.

Anyways, there are more tips I have which I will post later. But given my time this is all I can get in for today. I will continue to look for better ways to make gold and if anyone has any other pointers feel free to post them below in the comments!

Happy Gaming!


Rightplan on MMORPG – Ultima Shroud of the Avatar!

April 14, 2013 1 comment

Hey RP Here!

So I know this is off my usual Blizzard related posts but as stated in my welcome post I started the majority of my online gaming on Ultima games including Beta testing Ultima Online and they loving it for my 7 years of game play.


Finally they are coming out with a new Ultima game called “The Shroud of the Avatar”. I personally am excited about this! It required funding to start but because of their huge fan base they exceeded that funding and are scheduled to release the beta testing on Dec 2013.

It is going to have the option to play online and offline which is awesome, not to mention they are going to be incorporating a lot of features from Ultima Online in it such as being able to build a house. They are also talking about creating a new MMORPG gaming experience where you will not have to follow quest givers needs and instead create something similar to there old style of play where the world is more free to explore and choose to help who you wish to. There is not a lot of info out on it yet since its still working on the beta but if you are interested, you can see a lot of intro videos and discussions at .

The best part is that this whole thing needed funding because it is being created by the original maker of the Ultima games Lord British Productions and not by the company who bought out their Ultima Online game and ruined it EA.


For those who doubt my dedication 🙂 here is the original Ultima Online Cloth map framed and hanging above my computer… Don’t get geekier than me haha. I know the top left corner is frayed…. You can thank a very small and annoying dog for that… This is why I framed it.

Oh and before I forget, I am in the beta to be released and anyone else who wished to donate 33$ or more to be in the beta/ support the release then you still can at the main site .

That’s all I have for now!

Happy Gaming!


The Rightplan on Blizzard – Leveling New Player / Alt in MoP

April 7, 2013 4 comments



Hey RP here!

So Many people in my guild ask me how I level. I only have 2 toons at 90 at the moment, but I am almost done lvling a mage and currently working on my lock now too. Posts, school, work and gaming have slowed my free time down but I make due. Here are some good pointers to lvling both for the new player and for someone making an alt.



First choose your class, race name ect.. (I’m sure this needs no explanation.)  If you are making an alt character you can use your guild rep and honour/justice points to buy lvling gear (heirloom gear) that is BOA(bind on account) that can be used over and over and mailed to any of your made characters. The complete set is: a Helm, Back piece, Shoulders, Pants, Weapon, Trinket, Ring and Chest piece. These will help you lvl your toon from 1-85, after 85 you will have to replace them with the current lvl gear.



Depending on the toon you can create can slightly affect the way you should level.

LVL 1-15: Questing. This is VERY fast and killing almost everything you can for extra exp while questing can speed this up a great deal.

LVL 15 – 58: Questing /LFG (looking for group). If you are making a tank or healing character or one that is able to tank/heal then choose this specialization and begin queuing for LFG after LFG. They will level you MUCH faster and offer you bonus loot bags after each run to help gear your character for future LFGs. The queue wait time is almost non-existent for tanks and very fast for healers, so even if you want to make a damage dealer (DPSer) still stay heals or tank if you are able to when doing LFG. Almost every class has a healer or tank spec you can choose except for Warlocks, Mages, Hunters and Rogues. If choosing one of the non-healer / tank classes then make sure you quest AMAP in between queue wait times.

LVL 58- 68: Questing in Outlands / LFG: The exp jump from quests in Outlands is huge, so the moment you hit 58 head to the Dark Portal and start questing there. For those who do not know where the Dark Portal is, you can find a portal to it in Stormwind (SW) in the mage tower. Treat Outlands similar to 1-58, meaning LFG as much as you can and quest in between.

LVL 68-80: Questing in Nothrend / LFG: There is another huge jump in xp gains in the LichKing expansion so once you hit 68 you can get a quest from the message board in SW that will direct you on starting you lvling in Northrend. It may seem repetitive but it is lvling and catching up to current content, so again LFG as much as you can and quest in between queues.

LVL 80-85: Questing in Cata Content/Some LFG: This is where things change. Once you hit 80 you will get a quest in SW that will start the Cataclysm expansion content. LFG here is only beneficial to use once and a while unless you are a tank and can always queue but healer queues tend to slow down a bit here. This is also where you want to start playing you desired class more and start to get used to all you skills and abilities to prepare for Pandaria. Every LFG has its own set of quests to do in the dungeon, so when you get a new dungeon unlocked (by lvling) queue up again for LFG and finish the new quests since they yield a lot of xp.



LVL 85-90: Questing in MoP Content/Few LFG: Welcome to the new content. When lvling in Pandaria only do each Dungeon in LFG once REGARDLESS of your class. The amount of xp you get from questing to the amount from LFG is not worth queuing over and over. It is important you follow the questing explanation below in this and all questing related lvling areas. Also note that ALL your heirloom gear will no longer lvl with you here and must be replace ASAP and I would strongly recommend a trip to the AH (auction house) if your bank can deal with the costs.

Questing: When lvling by questing it is VERY important to not spend too much time in one location, to better know when you should move to the next area to quest just look at the map and it will show you the minimum and max for each area for lvling. Keep an eye on this because in some cases you have not reached the max lvl for an area but you have reached the minimum for a new area. In this case leave the one you are not maxed in and start working on the minimum lvl one. The lower you are on the requirements the more quickly you will level.



Content: As always, I HIGHLY recommend taking the long route to lvling and see the old content. This fast lvling is for those who hate story lines and wanna be Max lvl ASAP or when lvling an alt. The story line in WoW is very well done and is one of the main reasons why people play. I would highly suggest minimum LFG and a lot more questing if you are new to experience this. Also once you get to the Outlands the stories tend to narrow down and have a lot more thought put into them, so I would suggest doing everything in every area from this point on to get the full appreciation of the game. But once again you can skip all that and just hit 90 and see the new content if that is how you like to start a new game.

PVP (Player vs. Player): I didn’t mention a lot on this because it is pretty strait forward. You can get bonus rep from the heirloom gear for this too and basically queue for battlegrounds hope you win rise and repeat till you are bored and then lvl the way mentioned above. I didn’t touch a lot on this because #1 it is slower and based a lot on how often you win, and #2 it becomes very boring very quickly especially if you are a new player and not experienced in PVP.

Well hope this helps everyone out!

Happy Gaming!


The Rightplan on Blizzard – HearthStone

April 2, 2013 3 comments

Hey RP Here!

So I know this is a bit off my normal posts but this if for all you Blizzard fans and Magic fans out there. Blizzard originally had a card game that some played or collected. Some even bought the cards just to get the rare in game mounts. However Blizzard is now looking for Beta testers for their new PC version of their card game HearthStone. This is Rumor that this COULD have been a April fools joke by Blizzard, However there is a lot of effort put into this now to not be real, not to mention it is April 2nd now and it hasn’t been taken down. So here’s what we know so far!

This game is very similar to that of their original game which for those who don’t know if a lot like Magic the Gathering. The have some differences such as; you can pick a hero class to represent you, it is played online, the decks are premade, and you can play it against other players or the computer. Although the decks are premade, you can later unlock the forge where you can pick and choose cards to use in your deck to make it more tailored to your play style.


For now the cost is not set since it is in beta, but discussion boards are hinting at 1$ a deck for the beta which once it goes live you can upgrade your beta account and decks to the full version so you don’t lose what you bought. The price might change on the full release, but this is not confirmed yet.

The premade decks are rumored to be just for the beta and may involve more customization in the future, but this is not in hard writing yet. I enjoy the fact that if you do not want to play another player or if you want to sharpen your skills you can fight computer heroes and their decks such as Thrall and Uther.


The game can be used on Mac and Windows and a later iPad version will be released. The game play is very well done and has many different abilities and buffs to use for those oh no moments. It seems to be very well put together and even includes animated graphics and pre-set things you can make your hero say to your opponent.

For a full video of the game play you can go here.

Plus here is a link to the actual homepage of the site.

For now I do not have a lot more than that for information but I have signed up for the beta and if accepted will be doing a few more posts on how the beta of this new game plays out.

The one major downside I can see so far is that it requires you to login to to play. Why is this bad? Well for all those like me who were a Diablo3 beta tester and full version player, one of its downfalls was the online need. This made is so unlike D1 and D2, you could not play it offline when those end of the world moments happen and you lose internet ability. Seeing as how this is a card game and would make an excellent game to use when your internet dropped to kick Thralls ass with your deck…. I just hope they decide to allow offline play too.
Keep checking in as I post more if I get into the beta! Also my Patch 5.2 post is now on the site so have a fun read of that as well for any info you may not have known.

Happy Gaming!


Categories: Thoughts Tags: , , , , , ,

The Rightplan on Blizzard – Patch 5.2

April 1, 2013 3 comments


Hey RP Here!

The long awaited post to catch us up!

To start off 5.2 offers yet again new areas to explore, the Isle of Thunder and Isle of Giants. The largest change of the 2 lands to the actual story line is the Isle of Thunder. This area is being released in stages, the more quests completed and rares killed the faster the new area is unlocked. So far on my server (Uldaman) there have been 3 unlocks which brings us to the forge area now.


You will also be given 2 more reputations to farm, but they are far from a grind, in fact they are fun to lvl up. The 2 new reps are Shado-Pan Assault (rep achieved from the new raid bosses) and the Kirin-Tor Offensive (obtained through dailies and rep items). There is also a continuing bit of a story line with solo instances and cut scenes to better paint the picture of taking over the island and breaking your way into the Thunder Kings fortress. Here is a picture of the Map for Isle of Thunder, our areas that are unlocked and in the top left you can see the progress for the next unlock.


The new Raid is similar to that of Ulduar in LK in that it is a bit off the story line but not so much as to be right out to lunch. It is a filler patch that will keep us entertained while they prepare us for the next big release that will most likely be another smaller raid to get us back on a story line or the final raid which is rumoured to be Garrosh Hellscream, the new war chief of the horde since Thrall took his resignation after Cata. Getting back on topic… The new raid is Throne of Thunder (ToT) where you will encounter new bosses and eventually kill the Thunder King. So far the LFR version of the raid is not too bad if you have a decent group which is a 50/50 shot, but a new feature was added that reduces the bosses’ difficulty by 5% and stacks up to 10 times (10 wipes) so that each attempt will get easier and easier to make up for getting a bad group. The normal version of this raid does not let you down. It is MUCH harder than the LFR version and requires you to have a good group and good gear to even attempt to make it past the 2nd boss. The trash between bosses is even much harder on normal mode and must be pulled carefully to make it to the next boss.


The new Rares in the Isle of thunder offer more Kirin-Tor rep and bonus Valor tokens, plus they have a chance to drop a “Key to the Palace of Lei Shen” or “Shan’ze Ritual Stones”. The “Shan’ze Ritual Stones” offer you the ability to summon another rare mob needed for a quest and also has chances to drop the same items. This rare does need 5 people to kill it and can be very easy (3 man) to not so easy (must have 5) so it’s safer just to always have a group of 5 when summoning. The “Key to the Palace of Lei Shen” gives you the ability to enter a solo instance that is basically a loot grab. You have 5 mins to open as many chests as you can to get bonus Kirin-tor rep, coins for bonus loot rolls on bosses and “Shan’ze Ritual Stones”. I saved one for this post and took a picture of the inside of the instance. As you can see there are a lot of traps that need to be avoided to prevent you being slowed/stunned and using up some of your 5 mins.


Many class changes were made as well and you can check out all of the changes here in the patch notes. . Some got some decent buffs while others did not. As a shaman there were not many changes made (as always) and the ones that were done are not very noticeable with the increase in difficulty with healing. I haven’t heard a whole lot of complaining in the guild except that it seems the class that took the hardest hit was Mages, some complaining they are doing 5k or less dps than before the patch released.

Without picking every little part of the patch apart, the final major changes were the Isle of Giants and the new World bosses Nalak, the Storm Lord and Oondasta. Nalak, the Storm Lord is located on the Isle of Thunder above the Thunderking’s fortress and Oondasta is on the Isle of Giants. I have not had the chance to fight Nalak yet since the whole fortress has not been unlocked but I did take two 40 man groups to kill Oondasta at patch release, only to end up dead in the end, so needless to say they are not a walk in the park like the last 2 world bosses. Finally the Isle of Giants offers a whole island of elite dinosaurs and Trolls, the trolls are easy but the Dino’s get harder the bigger they get. Upon killing these elites you have a chance to get new pets, eggs, and dino bones. The eggs are about 1/500 kills to get and will hatch in 3 days into a red, black or green raptor mount similar to the egg mount in LK but with a higher chance to get a mount. The bones can be collected and handed into the rep vendor in the cave on the island for more rep tokens, pets or for 9999 bones a pure white raptor mount, which to me sounds a lot like the wintersaber mount grind… so like the wintersaber mount grind I will be doing this too. Here is a picture of my black raptor mount, the Isle of Giants and the world boss Oondasta. Took me a bit to find the perfect spot so enjoy J


Well that in a nutshell is 5.2! more posts will be coming soon! Let me know if there is anything you wish to have a write up on!

Happy Gaming!


The Rightplan on Blizzard – Cata to MoP

March 31, 2013 6 comments


RP Here!

So now that introductions are out of the way let’s get started. I could only get a short post in today so I will be giving the quick break down on (Mists of Pandaria) MoP and how it has progressed compared to Cata (Cataclysm). So we all know what we hated most about Cata compared to LK (Lich King). The story line just wasn’t there (at least not compared to LK), the dungeons and raids were not near as difficult, and much more. However they did enter some new ideas in towards the end of Cata to try and make up for the downfalls. Looking for Raid (LFR) was introduced where you can que for a random raid and a group will be made for you to kill 2-3 bosses with less difficulty then normal mode but with fewer rewards. By less rewards I mean you are given a loot bag or an item at random, not both and not always an item. The items are a lower ilvl (item level) then normal mode and should be rightly so. My thoughts on LFR? It’s a win/win for everyone. People complain that it’s too easy or that it’s to high ilvl gear for such easy runs, but this was developed for the casual gamer who wants to see the end game content and follow the story line without having to spend 7 days of raiding trying to finish them all on normal or heroic mode. So all in all I am all for LFR, not to mention it gives the raiding guilds a chance to up their gear ilvl a bit to assist them in getting down normal raids faster to work on heroics.

Next Blizzard redid the whole talent points system. As a beta to now player I admit I was sad to see the old talent system go. However they did make a well put together system that is of course dummy proof. I can honestly say it is not near as good as the old one, but it does come with some new skills that can be very useful. You cannot make a toon as tailored to your needs as you could before, but now you can change your talents and glyphs on the fly so you can change them to be tailored to each fight which is a small plus. Skills that you had to learn before at trainers are automatically given to you as you level and of course the mounts level requirements have been reduced.


There were many other small changes to the game when Cata almost finished its reign, but the REAL changes came in MoP. Hello Pokémon! Haha so the pet battle system was introduced, and to all those Pokémon players out there (myself included) you will not be let down. You can do almost everything you can in Pokémon except evolve your pet. They can reach a max of level 25 but once there they are done, but you can get items from dailies to buff them to a rare quality pet improving their stats, however this can only be done once per pet.

Next was the whole new world (not meant to be read like Aladdin). The new environment is amazing, the colors, layout, water quality etc. are all amazing for WoW. The expansion size is on par with that of LK and has a lot of features added such as new cut scenes (cut scenes started back in LK), while lvling, new mounts, new reputations, new dungeons, and at release 3 new raids announced (now 4 but the 4th to be explained in the 5.2 discussion)


New tokens have been added to raiding in LFR/normal/Heroic modes. These coins allow you roll after a boss is dead to attempt to win another item. However this chance is low and about 8/10 times you will get gold. These tokens are obtained from doing dailies and you can only get 3 a week and hold a max of 10. (There are new tokens in 5.2 and the old ones can be held up to 20 now) You can only get one extra roll per boss per kill with the cost of 1 coin.

New PVP maps were released and a whole new PVP experience with the changes to talents and glyphs and new ones being added at level 90.

Rare elites have been welcomed more into MoP than in Cata and have new achievements/drops for anyone who searches them out.

There are a lot of positives to MoP, but I don’t have that long to go over all of them. So with every release of a game there are the negatives.

First off, Blizzard allows you to be a farmer. For all those thinking Farmville right now, you are not far off. This allows you to achieve a plot of land that you slowly improve upon and expand to a total of 16 plant spots. To achieve these plant spots however you have to complete A LOT of rep grinding, not just with the Tillers guild but with ALL the farmers. Once you achieve an unlocked whole farm, you can then plant 16 seeds once a day that allow you to get more spirits of harmony (crafting mat), Ores, Herbs, and other things you would normally farm (but not leather). I personally found this a negative to the expansion not because of the farm idea, but because of how big of a grind it was just to plant the 16 plots.

Next is the rep grind itself. Blizzard wanted people to be out in the world of Pandaria more and “experience it” and do you ever. If you are like me and want all the mounts/pets/achievements/reps you can get then you’re in for a grind. This is the reputations you have to get maxed out if you want it all: Klaxxi, Golden Lotus, The Anglers, The Lore Walkers, The Order of the Cloud Serpent, Shado-Pan, The Tillers, and The August Celestials. These are the 8 reputations that had to be leveled at the start of MoP. The grind was long and there were 5-15 dailies for each, which took quite a while. Blizzard did notice this though and when the next expansion came out (5.1) they introduces the rep Operation: Shieldwall and allowed tokens to be purchased from every reputation at revered that increase the amount of rep per quest/kills by 100% making it much faster to get to exalted. This still involves a huge grind for new players that want all the reputations, but it took a dent out of the time it takes.

There are other small negatives, but (due to time) the last large one I will touch on is Crafting. Crafting in Cata was a huge gold maker and the patterns and materials were harder to farm. Now because of the Farm you own and how easy these materials are to gather outside your farm, the cost of ALL materials has dropped greatly since Cata. In most cases it is almost not worth it to sell gems for example because in the amount of time it takes to do so you could have killed mobs and achieved the same profit. The only thing that really makes crafting difficult in farming spirits of harmony, and DEing (disenchanting) raid boss dropped gear for Blood Spirits. I hope some changes are made in the future to make crafting a money maker again, but for now it still is but not near as successful as it was in previous expansions.

Well that’s it for me today and in my next post I will start with 5.2 explanations.

Happy Gaming!


Categories: Thoughts Tags: , , , ,

The Rightplan On Blizzard – An Introduction

March 26, 2013 3 comments


Hello everyone! Rightplan (RP) Here!

So I have been meaning to do this for quite some time now… School/Life/Work has consumed my time but I will do my best to start some posts on my game WoW (World of Warcraft). For now I can only make a post to get you up to speed on my experience with WoW, and in later posts I will begin making critiques on the new patches, Class specs, achievements and a lot more. I just feel letting you know you’re not talking to a 1 year gamer and how much time and experience I have is important (at least it would be to me). I do play other games as well with the rest of the Nova team, but as Mark has stated in his Shame list post, Time is less available these days. I picked up my first game system (Atari) back in 1987 when I was 4 and haven’t put the games down since. I have played SOOOO many games in the past but for the sake of WoW abilities I am avid MMORPG gamer. I Beta tested UO (Ultima Online) including all the Ultima offline games, and played it for 7 years. Tried my hand at Everquest, Lineage2, Diablo 1,2 and 3, Warhammer Online, and of course WoW including all the Warcraft games leading up to WoW.

To start off… If anyone wants to see my main toon, my name is Rightplan (Hence the title) and I am a Resto/Enh Shaman in Dragonwraith on the Uldaman Server (Alliance). So I have been playing since Beta and haven’t stopped since. I have much experience with most classes and I am more than willing to try and spread my knowledge to other posters on the Nova gamer’s site. My guild and I have successfully finished all end game content on all expansions released to date and are currently working on the new raid ToT (to be explained in later posts). In future posts I will get more into detail about the game as it is now and what changes come out when I can. I hope my future posts are more help to people, but like I said this is just a “Hi” and this is who I am.

Feel free to comment with anything including questions, comments and queries on this and all my future posts and I will do my best to help you fellow gamers out!

Happy Gaming
