
Posts Tagged ‘E3’

E3 News! Sony announces DRM policies

June 10, 2013 Leave a comment


Jack Tretton just announced the rules behind PlayStation 4’s DRM and consumer policies.

Absolutely a “shots fired” situation at Microsoft. They touched on all the points that Microsoft has been trying to clarify since the original press conference weeks ago.

1. No online authentication required

2. You can buy/sell/loan used games

3. They simply want you to buy and enjoy titles.

Does this change Microsoft’s stance? Let us know what you think.

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Forza 5 Teaser Trailer

Turn 10 Studios have released a new, short but sweet trailer for Forza Motorsport 5. In the brief 20 second trailer, you’re shown a Ferrari, Pagani, and the new McLaren P1.

All these cars are shown racing through a few different tracks and a couple nice interior shots are shown too.

I personally can’t wait for this, as most of you probably know, I am a huge die hard fan of the Forza franchise, and I won’t lie, might push me over the edge to get a Xbox One first over a PS4. Also, I’ll be able to get Gran Turismo 6 on my PS3!

Don’t forget, E3 starts tomorrow! So keep it locked to for all the up to date information!

Source: Polygon & GamezRoomX

E3 2013 Press Event Schedule


It’s that time again, E3 2013 is just around the corner, and I thought it would be nice to have a handy schedule that you can come to for some nice quick easy access to see when all the good stuff is happening. So, with out further ado, here is your press event schedule for E3 2013, in Atlantic time!

Keep an eye on, as well as our Facebook and Twitter feeds to catch live reactions and news straight from the pressers if you can’t watch them yourself!

Sunday, June 9:

2 PM – Call of Duty: Ghosts

Monday, June 10:

1:30 PM – Microsoft Press Conference

5 PM – EA Press Conference

7 PM – Ubisoft Press Conference

10 PM – Sony Press Conference

Tuesday, June 11:

11 AM – Nintendo Direct E3 Presentation

There you have it! It’s going to be a huge show this year and can’t wait to see what surprises Microsoft and Sony have up their sleeves!

What are you most looking forward to this year? Let us know in the comments below!

Nintendo Not Holding Press Conference At E3 2013


Nintendo has officially announced there will be no traditional press conference held at this years E3. Instead they plan on having multiple separate events that will focus on their software line up. If you’ve been following previous Nintendo Direct videos, this might lessen the surprise. Multiple big titles have been announced, including new Zelda titles, Mario & Luigi titles (including Mario Kart), plus more. What more do they have?

With the new hardware already out and multiple big name games announced, it makes sense for Nintendo to sit back, save some money, and let Sony and Microsoft battle it out. The focus will be on Microsoft and Sony since they have yet to launch their new consoles.

Don’t be mistaken though, Nintendo will still be present at E3 this year, as promised earlier in the year to show off some of the new titles announced.

Here is an official statement from Nintendo of America’s senior director of corporate communications, Charlie Scibetta on the plans leading up to E3 and at E3.

“As you’ve already seen, a lot of news about Nintendo games and services that traditionally would be held until E3 is being delivered this year through Nintendo Directs, and various press events. This approach will continue between now and E3. No matter where you are in the world, you’ll be fully informed. We look forward to continuing to provide you with Nintendo news and content in ways you haven’t before experienced. Beyond the news that will be communicated through Nintendo Direct videos in the run up to E3, at the show itself we’re hosting two smaller events on Tuesday morning before the LACC opens instead of just our traditional one event. A media event and a partner presentation will both occur that morning. While the audiences will be different between the two events, both will occur on the Tuesday morning of E3 (June 11) which is the date and time period the public has come to expect for Nintendo to deliver E3 news.

At the Nokia theater we’ll meet with business partners (retailers, publishers, analysts, etc.) from the NOA territory and discuss our plans for driving the business and providing tailored information that this group finds useful to their operations. Nintendo has done these same type of business meetings at past E3 shows, but has not in the past few years. This year we are returning to that business partner meeting format. New this year at our booth in the LACC, prior to the show opening, we’ll invite a small group of media to play our games. We will have a strong line-up of beloved franchise experiences available for immediate hands-on play. We are continuing to consider exciting new ways to bring the news of our games and information directly to the players at home during the E3 timeframe, and will have more to say about that at a later date.”

Interesting times for Nintendo. I sure do hope they have a great showing at E3!

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E3 is here!!

Well, E3 starts tomorrow! Are you excited? I know I am!!

What are you all looking forward to? Personally, I am most looking forward to Forza 4 and Battlefield 3. I can not wait to see what new information comes out for those two games. Also on the radar are Gears of War 3, Uncharted 3, just tons really.

Also, I am very interested to see what Nintendo has to show. All in all, should be a great show this year!


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