
Posts Tagged ‘Random Thought’

Borderlands Random Thought…

Remember this game? I bought this game day one. October 20, 2009 to be exact. Me and my 3 best buddies killed this game. Countless hours, multiple playthroughs, and characters. So, Mark and I (He is working in Australia right now) were online playing some COD Blops, when we got on the discussion of this game. Then thought to ourselves, we need to play this again. So we downloaded the General Knoxx add-on. We haven’t got into it yet, that’s for tomorrow morning. But I booted it up again, and it all came back to me, all its glory. What a fantastic game. The co-op is unreal in this. Developers can learn a lot from this co-op! Playing all of 10 minutes today got me jazzed to what Borderlands 2 could bring.

Well, here’s hoping that this E3 will bring a Borderlands 2 announcement!
