
Posts Tagged ‘World of Warcraft’

The Rightplan On Blizzard – An Introduction

March 26, 2013 3 comments


Hello everyone! Rightplan (RP) Here!

So I have been meaning to do this for quite some time now… School/Life/Work has consumed my time but I will do my best to start some posts on my game WoW (World of Warcraft). For now I can only make a post to get you up to speed on my experience with WoW, and in later posts I will begin making critiques on the new patches, Class specs, achievements and a lot more. I just feel letting you know you’re not talking to a 1 year gamer and how much time and experience I have is important (at least it would be to me). I do play other games as well with the rest of the Nova team, but as Mark has stated in his Shame list post, Time is less available these days. I picked up my first game system (Atari) back in 1987 when I was 4 and haven’t put the games down since. I have played SOOOO many games in the past but for the sake of WoW abilities I am avid MMORPG gamer. I Beta tested UO (Ultima Online) including all the Ultima offline games, and played it for 7 years. Tried my hand at Everquest, Lineage2, Diablo 1,2 and 3, Warhammer Online, and of course WoW including all the Warcraft games leading up to WoW.

To start off… If anyone wants to see my main toon, my name is Rightplan (Hence the title) and I am a Resto/Enh Shaman in Dragonwraith on the Uldaman Server (Alliance). So I have been playing since Beta and haven’t stopped since. I have much experience with most classes and I am more than willing to try and spread my knowledge to other posters on the Nova gamer’s site. My guild and I have successfully finished all end game content on all expansions released to date and are currently working on the new raid ToT (to be explained in later posts). In future posts I will get more into detail about the game as it is now and what changes come out when I can. I hope my future posts are more help to people, but like I said this is just a “Hi” and this is who I am.

Feel free to comment with anything including questions, comments and queries on this and all my future posts and I will do my best to help you fellow gamers out!

Happy Gaming
