
Posts Tagged ‘#zelda’

Second Chance Gamining: The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

April 24, 2013 1 comment

The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Skyward_Sword_(logo)Hey Gamers,

Ok lets just get this clear right now,  Its not that I never gave this title a chance….I moved to Australia and it completely fell off the radar…In fact I only remembered I had it about a week ago.  I’m actually glad that I am just rediscovering this now because we are entering that dreaded summer low where nothing is released….But enough about that, on to the game.

When I first popped this in I was a little disappointed with the art direction.  I do not mind cell shading one bit, but there is just something about the character design that seems off…Link.  But if I let something as simple as graphics ruin my game play experience, then I can’t call my self a hardcore gamer can I?  Besides I haven’t even hit the first temple yet so maybe there is something I am missing.   I felt this way about Windwaker at first, and now I can’t even imaging playing that game any other way!

The controls are another story.  Again, I have nothing against motion controls, Kinect, Imove, and so on.  However, I feel there is a time and a place for them.  Sometimes I really do not mind using motions controls; but when I’m laying down in bed,  or relaxing on the sofa, shaking and slashing wildly with my hands just doesn’t feel right.  My cat will sit on my lap and growl every time I try to roll or slash because my whole body goes into it, while the other one bats wildly at the cord between the Wii mote and the Nunchuck.  I know they were created to get you into the game and during the day I have no problem with them, but some times I just want to sit on the sofa and drink a beer while enjoying an engaging and interesting story.

Which brings me to the next point; The story.  So far Skyward Sword has delivered everything I have come to expect from a Zelda game. The main reason I enjoy the Zelda series so much is because of the stories, and the writers ability to draw the player into their imaginative world.  The use of classically orchestrated music to describe the emotions of the scene is bang on, bringing the player through the feelings he/she should be feeling as if they were actually there!  I couldn’t put the controller down (As much as I wanted to) because I wanted to see what happened next!   I find that I get so immersed in this world they have created that I no longer care about the controls, graphics, character design, because in the end it is about the story and the quest.

All in all I’m really glad I gave this game a Second Chance, with all the hype, news, and rumors about upcoming Zelda titles I needed something to feed my addiction, and Skyward Sword seems to be a great filler.  We will see how I feel as I progress though the game.

That is it for now!

Mark Out!

Top 10 Boss Encounters

April 4, 2013 4 comments

Hey Gamers,

I was thinking of my all time favorite boss encounters and figured I would do a article. So here it is, my top ten boss encounters. Enjoy!

#10: Gears of War 2 – Rift Worm


Although the Rift-worm is technically not a boss, I felt it deserved a place on the countdown because of its size and its ability to eat entire cities.  The entire worm level was an absolute blast.  This was likely because it was a bloody mess!  Cutting through the veins and arteries to stop the heart while the chamber is filling with blood was a battle I will never forget!

“First we kill it, then we cut our way out”

-Markus Fenix


#9:Ocarina of time – Volvagia


After playing through OoT again I figured this boss deserved a spot on the post because Volvagia was one of the coolest looking bosses ever.  Even now I think that Volvagia is a bad ass looking dragon that deserves to be mentioned.

#8 Sonic: The Final Hazard

Speaking of Dragons, does anyone remember the dragon space battle in sonic Adventure?  because I sure do!  It wasn’t an amazing fight, but damn was it hard!

#7 Resident Evil: Lisa

Holy Crap where do I even start with Lisa?  This was one of my childhood nightmares!  I’ll never forget the build up to this fight! Finding and reading all the journal entries about her mother,  the experiments, and the effects they were having was horrifying. Then when you finally face her for the first time in the cabin, and then again at her mothers coffin…wow the chills are still running down my spin just thinking about this!  Lisa has used fear to permanently embed her self in my top 10 memorable boss encounters.

#6 Street Fighter II: M.Bison


M. Bison makes the cut because it was always such an accomplishment to take him down at the end!

#5 Diablo: Diablo

“Not even death can save you from me”


Where do I even begin with Diablo? As a child, and even now I have faced Diablo countless times, on many different difficulties…and I still keep going back for the pain and torment that he puts me through!

#4 Borderlands 2: Handsome Jack

“I’m rackin’ my brain trying to think of a name of that diamond pony I bought. I was gonna call it ‘piss-for-brains’ in honor of you, but that just feels immature. Maybe ‘Butt Stallion’? Nah, that’s worse. Tell you what, I’ll give it some thought.”


Handsome Jack is one of the most evil, diabolical, masterminds I have ever met in a game.  His character was so well done that you loved him! He was funny and witty…but evil!  I felt so guilty laughing at some of the things he would come up with!  So naturally he makes it into the top 5!

#3 Bioshock Infinite: Lady Comstock


First Lady Comstock was an absolute terror to face in Bioshock infinite.  Although technically more of a mini boss, the description of her existence was so terrifying and well written that it will be hard to forget. “Dead, to die, will be dead, its all the same”

#2: Portals: GLaDOS

We can put this behind us for science…you monster”


GLaDOS was never a challenging boss, but the commentary and Personality puts her in # 2 for Best boss encounters 

#1 Borderlands 2 -Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt : Professor Nakayama


Professor Nakayama is the final boss encounter of the Borderlands 2 DLC Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game hunt.  He was absolutely obsessed with Handsome Jack and completely lost it when the Vault Hunter killed him.  To replace the Giant hole in his heart he attempted to clone him.  Motives aside Professor Nakayama was my absolute favorite boss encounter for one reason…The final encounter.  Now Big Game Hunt was kind of slow, and not really worth playing though…Except for this final fight.  So for those of you that have not finished and do not plan to enjoy this video clip!

That is it for now!