
Posts Tagged ‘Beta’

Rightplan on MMORPG – Ultima Shroud of the Avatar!

April 14, 2013 1 comment

Hey RP Here!

So I know this is off my usual Blizzard related posts but as stated in my welcome post I started the majority of my online gaming on Ultima games including Beta testing Ultima Online and they loving it for my 7 years of game play.


Finally they are coming out with a new Ultima game called “The Shroud of the Avatar”. I personally am excited about this! It required funding to start but because of their huge fan base they exceeded that funding and are scheduled to release the beta testing on Dec 2013.

It is going to have the option to play online and offline which is awesome, not to mention they are going to be incorporating a lot of features from Ultima Online in it such as being able to build a house. They are also talking about creating a new MMORPG gaming experience where you will not have to follow quest givers needs and instead create something similar to there old style of play where the world is more free to explore and choose to help who you wish to. There is not a lot of info out on it yet since its still working on the beta but if you are interested, you can see a lot of intro videos and discussions at .

The best part is that this whole thing needed funding because it is being created by the original maker of the Ultima games Lord British Productions and not by the company who bought out their Ultima Online game and ruined it EA.


For those who doubt my dedication 🙂 here is the original Ultima Online Cloth map framed and hanging above my computer… Don’t get geekier than me haha. I know the top left corner is frayed…. You can thank a very small and annoying dog for that… This is why I framed it.

Oh and before I forget, I am in the beta to be released and anyone else who wished to donate 33$ or more to be in the beta/ support the release then you still can at the main site .

That’s all I have for now!

Happy Gaming!


The Rightplan on Blizzard – HearthStone

April 2, 2013 3 comments

Hey RP Here!

So I know this is a bit off my normal posts but this if for all you Blizzard fans and Magic fans out there. Blizzard originally had a card game that some played or collected. Some even bought the cards just to get the rare in game mounts. However Blizzard is now looking for Beta testers for their new PC version of their card game HearthStone. This is Rumor that this COULD have been a April fools joke by Blizzard, However there is a lot of effort put into this now to not be real, not to mention it is April 2nd now and it hasn’t been taken down. So here’s what we know so far!

This game is very similar to that of their original game which for those who don’t know if a lot like Magic the Gathering. The have some differences such as; you can pick a hero class to represent you, it is played online, the decks are premade, and you can play it against other players or the computer. Although the decks are premade, you can later unlock the forge where you can pick and choose cards to use in your deck to make it more tailored to your play style.


For now the cost is not set since it is in beta, but discussion boards are hinting at 1$ a deck for the beta which once it goes live you can upgrade your beta account and decks to the full version so you don’t lose what you bought. The price might change on the full release, but this is not confirmed yet.

The premade decks are rumored to be just for the beta and may involve more customization in the future, but this is not in hard writing yet. I enjoy the fact that if you do not want to play another player or if you want to sharpen your skills you can fight computer heroes and their decks such as Thrall and Uther.


The game can be used on Mac and Windows and a later iPad version will be released. The game play is very well done and has many different abilities and buffs to use for those oh no moments. It seems to be very well put together and even includes animated graphics and pre-set things you can make your hero say to your opponent.

For a full video of the game play you can go here.

Plus here is a link to the actual homepage of the site.

For now I do not have a lot more than that for information but I have signed up for the beta and if accepted will be doing a few more posts on how the beta of this new game plays out.

The one major downside I can see so far is that it requires you to login to to play. Why is this bad? Well for all those like me who were a Diablo3 beta tester and full version player, one of its downfalls was the online need. This made is so unlike D1 and D2, you could not play it offline when those end of the world moments happen and you lose internet ability. Seeing as how this is a card game and would make an excellent game to use when your internet dropped to kick Thralls ass with your deck…. I just hope they decide to allow offline play too.
Keep checking in as I post more if I get into the beta! Also my Patch 5.2 post is now on the site so have a fun read of that as well for any info you may not have known.

Happy Gaming!


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Torchlight 2 Preview: The Little Game That Could

September 12, 2012 Leave a comment

Torchlight 2 finally received a release date of September 20, 2012 so if you have been looking forward to this, it’s coming soon! Some say Torchlight 2 is what Diablo 3 should have been. Both in the same genre and both have their pros and cons. Though I have yet to have the chance to play Torchlight 2 as I wasn’t able to get in the beta, the reaction of the beta community was very positive. Following the beta Runic Games delayed the release date to polish and tweak their game using the feedback from the beta players. Now that is listening to your community!

If you ask someone who played the original Torchlight what it was all about they would most likely say it’s a fun and very cartoonish version of Diablo, and they wouldn’t be wrong. Both are adventure and quest oriented games, both have skill points that seem to be endless, and both are all about the loot. Torchlight 2 is said to be bigger and better that the first installment in every way. The main feature TL2 adds is 4 player co-op multiplayer, because who doesn’t like killing 1000’s of monsters with friends! Some gamers who were disappointed with Diablo 3 are now looking to Torchlight 2’s release. I enjoyed both Diablo 3 as well as the original Torchlight and see these as different games sharing a genre. What do you think? Will Torchlight 2 surpass Diablo 3 as the go to ARPG clickfest?

If you pre-order a copy  of Torchlight 2 on Steam you will get a free copy of  the original Torchlight (Like I did!)

Enjoy the Trailer!

Gamescom 2012!! EA Edition

Gamescom technically hasn’t even started yet (floor opens tomorrow) but there has been a plethora of information that hit today! There were two huge press events held today. One by EA and another by PlayStation. I’ll put the big ticket items in the post, and for your viewing pleasure, I’ll embed the full videos from both events.

First off EA. Starting off with release information on a Mac supported version of SimCity! It’s said that it will ship day and date with the PC version set for an “early 2013 release”. Also some beta information was released, all you need to do is go to the Beta page for all the info and hope and pray you get in! Sorry Mac users, this beta is PC only.

Next off we have a date for a demo of NHL 13. The demo will drop on the PSN and XBL on August 21st! Next week! You can also check the PSN and XBL for a Madden 13 demo that is available now. PS Vita demo is also available.

Ready for a Dead Space fix? A date is now confirmed by EA. February 5th, 2013 in North America, and a couple days later in Europe, February 8th.

All of the FIFA fans will be pleased to hear there will be a demo available on September 11th!





Ubisoft shows off new game engine, No beta for AC3

August 7, 2012 Leave a comment

Ubisoft is going all out with the latest instalment of their Assassin’s Creed series. The good folks at Ubisoft have even gone so far as to create their own AnvilNext game engine to power it. Earlier this week they released this tech trailer showing off a little of what we can look forward to in AC3. (As if I already couldn’t wait for this game to come out!)



Ubisoft Annecy multiplayer game director Damien Kieken stated that there will be no multiplayer beta for Assassin’s Creed 3. Kieken said that “(In order to release a beta) We’d need to polish a version, submit it to the platform holders and support it when it’s out. And all the time put into the beta doesn’t go into the final game. Because we wanted to push so many things into the game, we took the hard decision to favour the final game content instead of doing a beta and we believe it will be favourable in the end.”

Ubisoft held betas for their last two AC games, but I have to think that they have the Assassin multiplayer kinks pretty much figured out BECAUSE they did those betas. Now they have that multiplayer experience under their belt so I think a beta would have been more of a free preview for the fans than bug fixing. And hey, If having a multiplayer beta means I get a crappier finished product, don’t host a beta.

~ Joker 27th

Source: Gamespot

Beta/Demo Madness!!

September 26, 2011 Leave a comment

So, in the next few weeks we have a lot happening! This week we have the Battlefield 3 Beta launching for X360/PS3/PC. Early access if you pre-ordered via Origin or bought the Limited Edition of Medal of Honor (heh). Early access starts on September 27th, and for the rest of the folks, it stars on September 29th.

Another beta we have on the way (which I don’t have an invite for) is Diablo 3!! I want to get my hands on this so freaking bad!! Here’s hoping that I will get a nice email sooner than later. If you are interested and don’t have an invite you should check out IGN. they have a full play through of the beta and wow, it looks good.

After that, on October 3rd, we have the Forza 4 Demo. I am stoked beyond(!) belief for this. I will have many impressions to share with this, and also the previous titles which I talked about.

Keep it locked here within the next few weeks for all sorts of impressions on BF3, Diablo 3 (fingers crossed), and lots of Forza 4 goodness!! 😀

